Thursday, 26 May 2011

Karine Polwart - I'm Gonna Do It All

OK, if you've stayed with me through mind/body stuff and meaning of life/fear of death stuff, here's something by way of relief which I hope you find delightful, as I do. It's about how we yearn to do more, to do it all, whether we're as young as the delightful lass in the promo, or seven times her age. See, I'm torn between Horace and his instructions to prune back the unrealistic ambitions so we can sieze the day, and feeling that it's maybe a good thing to go on wanting to "do it all someday."
Anyway, over to Karine Polwart and her young friend.


  1. Thanks GM, that's lovely. For all our attempts at present-momentness and having our feet planted in the 'here and now', there's nothing wrong with having one toe dipped in the pool of possibility. Especially if it means going to the moon to catch stars...

  2. Pleased you like it CB - she has a wide range as a songwriter; eg on her most recent album there is a quite brilliant song about the pain of being someone who can't lie, and this kind of song is a nice counterweight, I feel. Is it the sort of song that inhibited people, or people who haven't looked into the depths, think is sentimental? Quite possibly.

  3. Blue sky, a swing, retro film, light leaks, and charming innocence.

    What's not to like.

    живет день

  4. Nothing - pleased that's agreed - but there seems to be a KGB agent looking over our shoulder...?

  5. живет день

    Zhivet Dyen'

    "Live the day"
