Wednesday 1 February 2012

What a Celebrant Wants from a Funeral Director

..and I don't mean a shiny black car.

Honoured again to find that the Good Funeral Guide has posted something I've sent them. It's not about mindfulness and mortality ('bout time I posted on that, bit busy just lately with the sort of stuff in the photo..) it's about my wish to work more closely with undertakers, and how together we could provide much better funerals.

I do mean "honoured." You've no idea how much difference the GFG and associated commentariat has made to my work as a celebrant, and indeed to my views on mortality.

Anyway, why not nip over and have a look, and add yourself to the many thousands of readers the GFG gets every week?


  1. The mechanics of death are quite interesting, and I believe that here we can see that there's storage for another coffin out of view beneath.

    I've read about this but I haven't seen a picture that shows it.

    I wonder what the main ways your views on mortality have changed since you started on this journey.

    Nipping over to the GFG now . . .

  2. O all right then, Arkers, since it's you asking, I'll bang on about my own views of mortality, because doing this work sure has developed them. You ask a shrewd question, mon vieux, which I shall attempt to answer in a while or two.
    Thanks for stopping by.
